06 July 2012

Anticipation of a Heart Attack? Recognize the Symptoms

A heart attack can strike without knowing the time. Anticipating the attack before a deadly disease is dangerous to your life. For you people with heart disease, know the symptoms of a heart attack is required to be known. This is necessary in order to anticipate what actions should be done.

In the medical world, a heart attack is known as cardiac infarction which is kind of a very serious heart attack. There are many causes that lead to heart attack came suddenly.

The general principle, a heart attack is stopped due to the buildup of unhealthy foods in the body. Keep in mind that the heart attack death is closely related to the consumption of fat-laden foods and sugar.

The rest, recognize these symptoms as stated Dr John F Knight in his book entitled "Family Medical care":

- Sense of prolonged stress or discomfort is not unusual in the center of the chest, behind the breastbone.

- The pain may spread to the shoulder, arm, neck or jaw.

- Often the pain is accompanied by sweating.

- Nausea, vomiting and shortness of breath may occur.

- Sometimes the symptoms will subside and then reappear.

- Do not underestimate the chest pain does not disappear after 15 or 20 minutes berisitirahat because it could be a sign of a heart attack.

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